Thursday, January 31, 2008

Happy New Year people (betta late than never)!!!

So you guys,
It's a new year and I am making my own bit of "personal new" by committing to write here in the blog space more often. I've been checking out a few of these things and I realize "wow, people really use this space to say stuff". People want a porthole to get inside the head of folks and what better way to do that than this "infamous" blogging business? Currently, I really don't have much to say but I thought I'd come through anyway.

What's going on with me these days? Well, I am writing and more writing. And if someone else asks me one more time when my album is coming out, I'm going to fall out like Miss Celie did in "The Color Purple" film when Shug left the house-lol. No, in all seriousness, I am enjoying the process of making this album. It all started with me being in a inner tube on the lazy river traveling west downstream. Now you know a sista' had to make it hard on herself by paddling upstream. After my arms got really weary (and I got tired of not making progress), I decided to go with the inner tube allowing it to follow the flow of the river. So far, I get more done and now I realize I never knew everything. I anticipate there will be something relatable to everyone in the music and I expect there to be color and adventure (but nothing you guys can't wrap your head around).

My love life?
It's music. These days, he's a selfish lover who casts a baleful stare at anyone vying for my affections. I mean, he doesn't want to share me with anyone. He's been keeping me company with songs, appearing in movies, and he even shows his face in the books I read. Ole Music has cankered my mind right now. And so it is. It's my noblesse oblige to represent him well in everything I do. He keeps my head in a vertiginous state, as if I'd brought John Barleycorn for the ride. You know, I just can't shake him. I address him by the hypocorism lover and I must say he is gruntled by the sound of it. Some people don't understand it. Music and me, that is. We have a toothsome relationship much like the taste of fresh melon in summer, or a fine glass of port wine accompanying the best book and fireplace. He's been nothing but foursquare in his commitment to help me achieve excellence. It's because of this, I am always willing to show him my appreciation the best ways I can. With music, there is never a stultifying moment. He gives me esculent melodies so candy sweet that I can't hardly stand them. Mmmmm. He is so satisfying. To be honest, I personally don't mind his selfishness. And you know what? we are in love...

Thank you for the opportunity to use the new vocabulary I've learned. My new practice is learning a new word daily.

I say all this to say I will give you guys updates as to when the album is coming out so be on the lookout :).

Welcome to my world!!!


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